WOOHOO - Laura Lehman Wears








image via pinterest

Woke up so excited this morning.  My sister, her husband, and their baby (aka cutest thing alive besides my puppy) are coming into town today for the weekend!  I'm taking off this afternoon, tomorrow AND Monday from work.  Halle-freakin-lujah.  We have lots to do on our to-do list and while I know they're going to have fun, I'm selfishly excited because I have people to go with to the National Zoo, Smithsonians, etc..the things my friends here have already done a million times.  We're going to throw in a Nats game for her husband, some shopping for my sis, and some yummy restaurants for us all.  We're trying STK one night for din & Farmers Fishers Bakers one morning for brunch--any advice on what to order?

In honor of their trip (annnd because I'm being lazy), I'll be taking off the next two (blogging) days from TBB.  Have a fab weekend and I'll see y'all Tuesday!

Oh, and don't forget to enter the giveaway I've got going on.  Tomorrow is the last day to enter for your chance to win $500 to Nordys!  If I won (which I can't because it's not allowed..yuck), these suckers would be mine so fast.

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