image via pinterest
First week of work. Very interesting. Very slow. No training. Literally was given deals to start working on and had absolutely no training. Hope I'm doing everything right? Last week was also the first full week of taking the Metro. Again, very interesting. Monday morning was the worst. I was trying to get in to work early to seem really eager and excited, but there was smoke somewhere at the very end of the line which caused back ups which caused me to be right on time. At least I wasn't late? Tried was really fun. Did my laundry in the basement of my building. I'm really not a diva, but that was gahross. I guess it wasn't as bad as I was imagining, but boy, do I miss having a W/D in my unit.
This weekend was great. Friday night at the Waterfront was the most fun. I hope that happens every weekend. Tried SoulCycle and just like I thought, I loved it. There goes my already less-than-substantial paycheck. Saw Pitch Perfect II. Obviously, the first was better because it was the first, but the sequel didn't disappoint and I felt like I was laughing the whole time. Crushed it. Sunday was all about relaxing, blogging, eating, cleaning, Kardashian-ing, emailing, & organizing.
This week is a quick 4-dayer as I'll be heading home for a friend's wedding. AND I'll be picking up my baby and finally bringing her home. I've missed her like crazy, but now the non-stop praying begins that she'll get along with the other puppies in the building and be able to go on their group walks. That would be the best.
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