Tomorrow is Christmas Day and while I am sure all of you are hustling and bustling about (I know I am), I wanted to remind everyone to slow down, relax, and enjoy this holiday and remember that everything doesn't have to be perfect. This holiday is about the whole world--imperfections and all-- being sent a Son from God in order for us to have eternal life in, if that isn't enjoyable, then I don't know what is. Try and keep it all in perspective throughout these next few days. I know I have a hard time doing this day-in and day-out, but Christmastime is the perfect time to be still and thank God for what He did (..does, will do..) for all of us.
If any of you are in the Nashville, TN area, below is a list of the Christmas Eve services at my church:
2:00 PM - Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary
4:00 PM - Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
6:00 PM - Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
8:00 PM - Sonshine Choir & Alum in the Sanctuary
11:00 PM - Sonshine Choir & Alum in the Sanctuary
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