image via pinterest
Y'all, I'm just going to say it..boys suck. Don't get me wrong, I love my guy friends and couldn't live without them..but dayum. I was sitting next to a group of college girls at this coffee shop this past weekend and I think they were supposed to be studying, but all they were talking about were boys. "That guy I was sorta talking to..the weird one", "he never actually asked me out", "he was so weird and wasn't ever that nice, but I liked him a lot", "I gave him until January and then realized he wouldn't ever settle down"..and on and on. All I had to say was, "he's just not that into you". Of course, I didn't actually say that out loud, but I wanted to..if only to save them some time. Why are guys so lame these days when it comes to dating? Is it that we've just made it so easy for them to use us or have we made it harder? Is it that we don't expect more from them and that we allow them to just text us instead of call because the next girl will let them just text instead of call? When did guys stop trying and when did girls let them? I feel like it may be a myth that they ever did ask girls out in person or over an actual phone conversation, but I guess we'll never know -- we can only believe our married friends so much ;) I also believe that girls can be a wee-bit crazy sometimes and that we have a tendency to only like the guys we know we can't have as well as over analyze every single word of every single conversation of those dysfunctional relationships, so it's not 100% on the boys, but here I am making more excuses for them. I'm well past college and so are most of my (single) friends and we are all still reciting the same stories as those college girls were at the coffee shop. Sad, but true.
On a more positive note, I have to give a shout-out to all my, nice & normal, confident, faithful guys out there..the married ones, the ones in solid relationships, the true friends. Y'all are what keep us crazies going..keep up the good work.
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