I can't even explain how much Nashville has grown in just the last 5 years. I had not planned to move back after college, but when you graduate in 2009 and don't have a job, you're grateful to have parents that will let you back into your old room, but I digress. If you ever have a chance to visit Nashville, now is the time. For the next couple few undetermined amount of Fridays, I'm going to showcase a few of my Music City faves; favorite places, restaurants, shops, etc. First up..Barista Parlor. Maybe it's because the day I wrote this was so gloomy or maybe it's because I'm addicted to caffeine, but I had to start with them. I have tried almost every coffee shop in Nashville, and I admit that I stop at Starbucks almost every morning, but Barista Parlor is something else. I only go if I want to treat myself or if I need to work on something or study for a few hours because it is about a 25 minute drive. When I make the trip, I treat myself; my typical order is a non-fat, vanilla, bourbon latte and a biscuit with egg and cheese. I know that sounds like a lot, but trust's worth it.
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